MPM - Nov 15, 2010

Fall is here and Thanksgiving is just around the corner. With it, I bring you a new MPM graphic from Isn't it lovely! I think its super great that we can choose from so many great graphics for our MPM posts. Thanks!

In addition to the great new graphic, I am also bringing you The Shambled Shack’s first printable Weekly Menu Plan - which includes all the recipes in one easy location and suggestions for breakfast, lunches, snacks, and side dishes as well as a grocery list for all of the main course meals on the list. Don’t forget to download it!

Here is our menu for the week of November 15 - 21

Monday - Southwestern Corn Skillet
Tuesday - Chicken Florentine Skillet
Wednesday - Orange Pork and Sweet Potatoes
Thursday - Easy Chicken and Garden Veggies
Friday - Homemade Supreme Pizza
Saturday - Ravioli Casserole
Sunday - Barbecue Beef Cheese Melts

Thanksgiving has always been a big holiday for both my in-laws and my family. My in-laws always have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner on Thanksgiving day. It's always the same time every year and in the same location. The only thing that has changed in the last 10 years that I have been going has been the addition of family members.  My hubbies family is very spread out all over Missouri. So Thanksgiving is the only time of year we get to see everyone all in the same place. It used to be a chore to get my husband to even go...he used to be a bit of a relative recluse. He wasn't always the good boy in the family, if you know what I mean. Since I have been pushing the family issue with him though, he looks forward to it every year now.

Since we have begun our family tradition of traveling on Thanksgiving day to visit my hubbies family, it has been doubly hard to visit my family. I have noticed that my family has sort of backed off of committing to a specific day. For a long time, Thanksgiving dinner rotated back and forth from my mom's house to my cousin's house. Then, tragedy struck and my cousin and her husband divorced....since then it feels like my family is floundering. We had a few great dinners - one of which involved traveling out of state to my baby brother's house in Kansas. Unfortunately, my husband was unable to go along...while I had a great time, I missed my husband and I don't want to spend another Thanksgiving, or any other holiday, apart.

I wish it was possible to visit both families on the same day - but to be honest, its just not going to happen. We would end up spending most of the time driving and very little time visiting. I have considered hosting my own dinner but I just don't have the room. I have also encouraged my family to plan  in advanced - and preferably on the weekend, but no one will make a firm commitment with adequate time to plan the travels (between work and making travel accommodations). Anyway...I miss my family.  And I am curious how do you, if you live more than 3 hours from both families, manage your holiday travels?


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