Giving Thanks Thursday
Inspired by 30 days of Thanks on Facebook, I thought I would try to do a post on Thursdays to help me keep more positives in my life. Sometimes its tough when your the only one able to work, your the one paying all the bills, etc, etc... So in an attempt to keep a positive focus on life - I am Giving Thanks on Thursdays!
I am going to start this out by posting my daily thanks from Facebook during the month of November and hopefully continue it beyond November with something fresh and new each week after...
Day 1 - November 1, 2012 I was thankful my flu was a bit better and I spent less time in the bathroom!
Day 2 - November 2, 2012 I was thankful for my son who shared his rolo's with me.
Day 3 - November 3, 2012 I am thankful for a day off from work without illness! Feeling much better today! TGIF
Day 4 - November 4, 2012 today I am thankful for the time roll back! I get to spend an extra hour with my hubby!
Day 5 - November 5, 2012 I am grateful for wonderful co-workers! Amy Swickard Hensley for getting almost 200 cards donated to our M's store and Susan at Trib for the vote of confidence in me! I work with wonderful people!
Day 6 - November 6, 2012 I am thankful for a wonderful son who downloads free digital scrapbook kits for me before I miss out due to working late! He is the best! Also, I am thankful for the opportunity to vote - even though the candidates could have been better..... There are countries out there that don't allow voting...I am thankful I don't live in one.
Day 7 - November 7, 2012 I am thankful for grandchildren and that I have only one so far! Avah is the light of my life and I enjoy hanging out with her. The photo at the top shows the ornaments we made yesterday (on the 6th), but I spent time reflecting on our moment today, while I put the hangers in our ornaments. Avah is 2 years old and she loves spending time with her "Omah" (german for Grandma). I can not believe how much she loves to stamp with me! Some are not perfect because she is still learning patience but oh how she loved using the rolling pin and picking colors. She loves to pick anything. Love my baby girl!!
Hope all of you have a wonderful day!

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