Reflecting on 2011...
We are a little over half way into our first month of 2012 and I was going through my blog posts from the past when I came upon my first post for 2011. It was filled with resolutions...some really good plans that never came to fruition and a few that bloomed full swing. I thought I'd take a moment to make my first post for 2012 one of reflection and new resolve.
Reflecting on 2011....
In my 2011 resolution posts I resolved to do more scrapbooking/cardmaking in 2011. I am happy to say, I did do that. I sent quite a few cards to relatives - not as many as I had actually wanted to send out - but still and all...a good fair many. I tried to hit as many birthdays as I could - not everyone made the list in 2011 (not because my heart wasn't in it...but my pocket book wasn't deep enough!) Card making supplies are not cheap.
As for scrapbooking - I feel like I failed a bit there. I created a whole 3 pages last year. I haven't yet shared them just yet but I plan to. I still have yet to journal on them. The biggest reason I didn't create more pages for my scrapbooks was my fear of screwing them up. You can't screw it up if you just don't do it. (I have a major perfectionism flaw, can ya tell?) I think I am passed that now though - so look out in 2012. If you follow my other blog - Shack Scraps, you will get a glimpse of my scrapbook pages and my cards.
I resolved to lose some weight and get more exercise in 2011... now that didn't happen at all. We got a Wii and I do love it - but the house we live in just wasn't built for jumping around. Actually it was built in 1911 and the basement is pretty worn as is the floor I would be jumping on. We found that the weight bearing posts in the basement are split. They look pretty scary. When you walk through the living room (where the Wii is) you can hear echo sounds from the duct work. Steve has banned me from doing my Wii Fit until we can find a safer home in which to do it in - so the exercise I planned sort of flew out the window for 2011. I am just not a gym girl...even though I have access to one at work.
As for losing weight - I am still taking my thyroid meds and I have examined our diet quite a bit. We are now a wheat bread only family and I have learned to eat smaller amounts more often. We are eating healthier foods - much more veggies and fewer fried/greasy foods. Steve is still hell bent on eating pasta though...which just isn't good for his diabetes. I went for a cholesterol test last Friday and my previously borderline high cholesterol is now in the GREAT category...GOOO ME! I think that came from cutting out the cake decorating hobby and adopting a lower calorie hobby - paper crafting, what do you think?
I totally failed at resolving to post more - I posted a whole 8 times in 2011. How much more FAIL can you get? In my defense though, I started a new blog and posted on it much more than on this one - not that I was trying to neglect my faithful followers - I love each and every one of you! Really I do! I just really have gotten into my new hobby...I totally love paper crafting! My "Menu Plan Monday" posts are done I think. I rarely cook at home - heck, I rarely eat at home anymore. If I plan a menu it gets screwed up because I am not there to stick to it. Don't look for more of those on The Shack in 2012. I am mulling over a new and different type of food related post... If your wondering what/where I eat - mostly I am eating at work - soups, sandwiches, salads... Its still healthy and good for me.
We have not yet moved, don't have plans to move (as much as I'd like for us to do so), do have a great need for an extra bedroom budgeting plan has been blown to hell but it couldn't be helped. In July of 2011 Steve's daughter, Bridget, came to live with us - 4 semi-adults in a 2 bedroom house - so yes, I need to move - I just don't have the budget for it yet. I love having her live with us but I have to admit, its really stressful adding another body to the small house and budget. We are getting some assistance with having her live with us - she gets social security because of her mom's passing - so that does help to offset some of the costs. It took us until November to get our first payment though and we still haven't gotten the back pay for August and September so I am still behind on bills - they swear its coming though...just not holding my breath on when....if ya know what I mean. I did take a 2nd job to help out...but its really only helping to fund my hobby budget more than anything. I took a cashier job at Michael's - so between the discount and the extra money I have still been able to keep crafting. My one sanity saver!
Writing more...I really wanted to start a cook book in 2011 - it just didn't happen. Maybe someday...but not in the near future. My focus is truly on capturing memories of my grand daughter through my scrap booking and keeping in touch with family through my card making. I loved making my 2011 Christmas cards and I am hoping to create a birthday file where I can keep track of everyone's birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Writing more in 2012 will consist more of learning calligraphy and journal-ling on my scrap book pages.
My goals for 2012...I'd really like to stay more focused on organization and continue my scrapbooking/card making. I want to get my financial situation under better control and I'd really like to write/blog more. Calligraphy and journaling, blogging, scrapbooking, and card making...that's where I'm at in 2012 at the moment.
What are your goals for 2012...where are you at?
Reflecting on 2011....
In my 2011 resolution posts I resolved to do more scrapbooking/cardmaking in 2011. I am happy to say, I did do that. I sent quite a few cards to relatives - not as many as I had actually wanted to send out - but still and all...a good fair many. I tried to hit as many birthdays as I could - not everyone made the list in 2011 (not because my heart wasn't in it...but my pocket book wasn't deep enough!) Card making supplies are not cheap.
As for scrapbooking - I feel like I failed a bit there. I created a whole 3 pages last year. I haven't yet shared them just yet but I plan to. I still have yet to journal on them. The biggest reason I didn't create more pages for my scrapbooks was my fear of screwing them up. You can't screw it up if you just don't do it. (I have a major perfectionism flaw, can ya tell?) I think I am passed that now though - so look out in 2012. If you follow my other blog - Shack Scraps, you will get a glimpse of my scrapbook pages and my cards.
I resolved to lose some weight and get more exercise in 2011... now that didn't happen at all. We got a Wii and I do love it - but the house we live in just wasn't built for jumping around. Actually it was built in 1911 and the basement is pretty worn as is the floor I would be jumping on. We found that the weight bearing posts in the basement are split. They look pretty scary. When you walk through the living room (where the Wii is) you can hear echo sounds from the duct work. Steve has banned me from doing my Wii Fit until we can find a safer home in which to do it in - so the exercise I planned sort of flew out the window for 2011. I am just not a gym girl...even though I have access to one at work.
As for losing weight - I am still taking my thyroid meds and I have examined our diet quite a bit. We are now a wheat bread only family and I have learned to eat smaller amounts more often. We are eating healthier foods - much more veggies and fewer fried/greasy foods. Steve is still hell bent on eating pasta though...which just isn't good for his diabetes. I went for a cholesterol test last Friday and my previously borderline high cholesterol is now in the GREAT category...GOOO ME! I think that came from cutting out the cake decorating hobby and adopting a lower calorie hobby - paper crafting, what do you think?
I totally failed at resolving to post more - I posted a whole 8 times in 2011. How much more FAIL can you get? In my defense though, I started a new blog and posted on it much more than on this one - not that I was trying to neglect my faithful followers - I love each and every one of you! Really I do! I just really have gotten into my new hobby...I totally love paper crafting! My "Menu Plan Monday" posts are done I think. I rarely cook at home - heck, I rarely eat at home anymore. If I plan a menu it gets screwed up because I am not there to stick to it. Don't look for more of those on The Shack in 2012. I am mulling over a new and different type of food related post... If your wondering what/where I eat - mostly I am eating at work - soups, sandwiches, salads... Its still healthy and good for me.
We have not yet moved, don't have plans to move (as much as I'd like for us to do so), do have a great need for an extra bedroom budgeting plan has been blown to hell but it couldn't be helped. In July of 2011 Steve's daughter, Bridget, came to live with us - 4 semi-adults in a 2 bedroom house - so yes, I need to move - I just don't have the budget for it yet. I love having her live with us but I have to admit, its really stressful adding another body to the small house and budget. We are getting some assistance with having her live with us - she gets social security because of her mom's passing - so that does help to offset some of the costs. It took us until November to get our first payment though and we still haven't gotten the back pay for August and September so I am still behind on bills - they swear its coming though...just not holding my breath on when....if ya know what I mean. I did take a 2nd job to help out...but its really only helping to fund my hobby budget more than anything. I took a cashier job at Michael's - so between the discount and the extra money I have still been able to keep crafting. My one sanity saver!
Writing more...I really wanted to start a cook book in 2011 - it just didn't happen. Maybe someday...but not in the near future. My focus is truly on capturing memories of my grand daughter through my scrap booking and keeping in touch with family through my card making. I loved making my 2011 Christmas cards and I am hoping to create a birthday file where I can keep track of everyone's birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Writing more in 2012 will consist more of learning calligraphy and journal-ling on my scrap book pages.
My goals for 2012...I'd really like to stay more focused on organization and continue my scrapbooking/card making. I want to get my financial situation under better control and I'd really like to write/blog more. Calligraphy and journaling, blogging, scrapbooking, and card making...that's where I'm at in 2012 at the moment.
What are your goals for 2012...where are you at?

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