Wii Fit Fridays - Week 2
Welcome back to Wii Fit Fridays - and I am a bit late this week (2 days late) But here is my “not so good” weigh in anyway...even if it is late.
Weigh In
Weight: 227.5BMI: 42.98
Waist - 40.5
Hips: 52.5
Neck: 15.25
Body Fat: 57.2%
My weight loss goal is 1lb per week, 4lbs per month.
My current wii fit goal is 13lbs in 12 weeks.
My workout goal is s minimum of 30 minutes per day 5 days per week.
What do you do when your goal grows instead of shrinks?
The first thing you should do is determine what happened that caused your goal to grow. In my case I got a bit lazy and didn’t do all of my full routines each and every day as I had planned. I cheated and drank a couple of Mountain Dews this past week as well, but I did stick to my menu plan and only ate good healthy foods.
Determine your weaknesses:
The hardest part of losing weight and getting fit for me has to be the workouts. I get so busy that before I know it I am just too pooped to do it. I also hate to fight for electronics at my house - be it the television, the wii or the computer. If my son or husband are using the item I need, I will just wait patiently (and not be aggressive about it). I must mention that this means I rarely will get to use said item in the same day as both of them are totally ADHD and can hyperfocus for hours on end...I usually give up and go to bed. I must learn to be more assertive in order to reach my goal. What obstacles are you facing in your quest to be fit?
Reaffirm your commitment:
I am committed to losing weight and getting fit. I want this for myself - my body is badly out of shape and my health is important not only to me, but to my family as well. I have a brand new granddaughter and as she grows I would very much like to be able to keep up with her. Heart disease runs rampant in my family on both maternal and paternal sides. My sister was just 43 when she had her first heart problem. I am just 4 years younger than that now. If I don’t get control of my health now I am facing that same fate. My thyroid problem kept me from losing weight before, but its under control now and I just need to kick start my metabolism.
I can do this.
I will do this.
For me.

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