Help! I can't find a decent cereal!
While shopping the other day, for healthy foods no less, I managed to get lost in the cereal isle. I spent almost 30 minutes reading label after label on those cereal boxes. Did you know that almost all cereals have sugar in one of the top 5 ingredients listed on the box? After careful scrutiny of many tons of "healthy" cereals, I managed to narrow it down to Special K Protein. I bought a box and tried it - its not too bad with a bit of spenda on it...but hubby says, and I quote - "I can't eat this, it tastes like card board!"
Back to square you have any suggestions for a low sugar, high fiber cereal that a diabetic can eat that also doesn't taste like card board?
Back to square you have any suggestions for a low sugar, high fiber cereal that a diabetic can eat that also doesn't taste like card board?

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